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Fundraising Status Report Spreadsheet

Fundraising Status Report Spreadsheet

An easy-to-use Excel file to help you keep track of the status of a particular fundraise on a single spreadsheet. Quickly identify investors who have shown interest (or passed) on an opportunity; previous touchpoints; outstanding action items; and more. A digital product in Excel Format. 

Regular price £12.00
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Fundraising is an art that can be developed and mastered


A tool that keeps you organised and on top of your fundraise.

When you undertake a fundraising you never know in advance exactly how the exercise will evolve. Initially, you might desperately wish for the endeavour to take the following trajectory: you reach out to 5 investors over the course of a few weeks and have 2 of them beg to come into the opportunity, after which you choose one or the other, or both. One month of work and voila, done. If only! Fundraisings are invariably more challenging than we ever imagine. Most likely, what's more likely to happen is: you'll need to reach out to several times more investors (30, 50 or more) and discuss the opportunity for months, maybe even a year (or more), before you get a single commitment. This could mean hundreds of touchpoints across different investors, at different times.

That means you'll need an efficient way of keeping track of all those discussions and touchpoints. Having a Status Report spreadsheet becomes essential. Not only will it tell you where you stand, at any given time, with investors on a particular fundraise exercise, but you'll be able to look back on it in the future and quickly identify key points and themes that stood out during the fundraise.

The Fundraising Status Report template helps you get organised.

- All products are Non-Refundable, and all sales are Final.
- Upon purchasing the product you will have immediate access to copyrighted and proprietary material. The product will be deemed “used” upon download or opening.
- The digital product allows you up to 4 downloads. We recommend that you save a permanent copy for yourself, such as on Google Drive, Dropbox or some other storage location, for future reference.


Provides you a snapshot of where you stand with various investors.

Helps you keep track or the fundraise process.

Enables you to easily report - for instance, to colleagues - on the overall fundraise.

Saves you time in long run.


Format: Excel file.


Q: Who is Fundraising Status Report Spreadsheet product for?
A: Anyone who is fundraising and needs a way to keep track of the process in one place. In a spreadsheet that is easy to access, edit, update, amend and share (if necessary).

Q: How does the product help a fundraiser?
A: In many ways. It enables them to quickly identify the investors they've reached out to who expressed interest in the fundraise. It lists previous touchpoints the fundraiser has had with potential investors. It outlines what, if anything, has been shared with potential investors, including a teaser, a longer presentation, financial models, etc. It also quickly shows the user where things stand with a particular investor. This is important if one is in touch with, say, 20 or more investors, and there have been many touchpoint, calls, meetings, etc. What's more, the fundraiser can easily customise the spreadsheet and add to it to more accurately reflect the fundraise they are undertaking.

Q: Wouldn't the product also be useful for future reference?
A: Indeed. The information you capture and add to the spreadsheet is invaluable. You could always look back to see how previous interactions have gone with investors. How did they react previously? Were they responsive? What was their feedback? What did you learn about their interests or objectives? The Fundraising Status Report Spreadsheet is a useful tool to revisit previous fundraise exercises and see what was learned and discovered.

Q: Can I add more columns and options into the Excel to reflect idiosyncrasies of my fundraise, which is quite unique?
A: Absolutely. As it is an Excel file, you can manipulate it as you wish, adding additional column / rows to make room to save more details which the current might not reflect. The idea is for you to take the file and customise it to suit your particular fundraising needs.

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