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The Fundraising Guide - Raise Capital Faster

The Fundraising Guide - Raise Capital Faster

More Than Just Money: How to Fundraise Successfully

The definitive guide to fundraising, this guide outlines all the strategies, tips and insights you need to become significantly more effective at fundraising. It contains 100+ pages and is a downloadable digital product. 

The Fundraising Guide is an invaluable asset to anyone who wants to raise capital and master how to fundraise.

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Fundraising is an art that can be developed and mastered


Drawn from years of experience in fundraising, this guide enables fundraisers to achieve what the most successful people in the business - of fundraising - learnt the hard way. And remember, the best fundraisers are not born. They’re built.

Fundraising is rarely straightforward. In an ideal world, you’d know exactly which investors to approach. What’s more, the path to obtaining capital would be short and manageable, without the slightest hiccup. Truth is, however, that raising capital successfully is not formulaic. You’re dealing with people with all sorts of personalities and egos. Then there are the entities from whom you’re looking to raise money and they have their own mission, investment strategy and investment criteria. Let’s not forget external factors such as the state of the economy. All of these things influence the fundraising you do. 

Getting any investor to part with their cash is no easy feat. For you to succeed you need to understand how they think and figure out the best way to gain their trust. And it is absolutely essential that you adopt the very best practices if you want to maximise the likelihood of success. That’s exactly what this guide does. Power your fundraising ability and improve your chances of success!

- All products are Non-Refundable, and all sales are Final.
- Upon purchasing the product you will have immediate access to copyrighted and proprietary material. The product will be deemed “used” upon download or opening.
- The digital product allows you up to 4 downloads. We recommend that you save a permanent copy for yourself, such as on Google Drive, Dropbox or some other storage location, for future reference.


The guide offers you unique and actionable fundraising insights, enabling you to make the most impact when fundraising. What you gain from it will save you time, money and resources, while making you a much more effective fundraiser. An indispensable tool whose lessons and insights you’ll revisit regularly.


Chapters: Things to Bear in Mind; Finding and Shortlisting Investors; Pitching Material; Reaching out to Investors; Meetings; Interest Confirmed – Now What?; Deal Closes; Deal Doesn’t Happen; Final Considerations.

Length: 100+ pages.

Format: PDF.


Q: Who is this product for?
A: Anyone fundraising and looking to be more effective and efficient at raising capital. So you could be in charge of Investor Relations at your firm or responsible for raising money for a client. If you plan to speak to investors in order to showcase to them an investment opportunity then this guide can be of great benefit to you.

Q: Will the guide be of use to me if I'm raising capital for another company?
A: Sure. The guide holds invaluable insights that will help you irrespective of whether you're raising money for your own firm or that of another (maybe a client). People responsible for investor relations within fund management businesses (from Real Estate and Private Equity to Venture Capital) benefit from this product, just as people, say, at a startup looking to raise money for their own business will benefit. If you're looking to raise capital from investors then the guide will be an asset.

Q: Is there a refund available for this product?
A: No. Unfortunately, we have a no refund policy for this product. A great deal of time, effort and resources were spent creating it and the value it provides far outweighs its cost. If you are unsure about a product then feel free to write us before you make a purchase.

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